Your introduction to PointGuard
Get confidence that savings opportunities exist in your portfolio
PointGuard Snapshot
What You get
a report based on 30 days of building data that reveals the available opportunity for a full deployment of analytics
Useful For
FM teams and owners who are curious about the impact BMS analytics could have on a specific building or across a portfolio
Get confidence that an
opportunity exists for data
analytics in your portfolio
Benchmarking KPIs for Comfort, Asset Health, and
One actionable insight into a building issue
Predicted 1st year energy savings
Alternative to a pilot
Provides detail on the savings potential
Proof-of-concept to highlight the need for an analytics solution
Monthly building insights and understanding
Get an understanding of building performance and building optimization over time
PointGuard Insights
What You get
a monthly report that puts detailed building performance data, benchmarking, and insights at your fingertips
Useful For
FM teams, owners, asset managers, and property managers who want an introduction to analytics but are not sure where to start. Or teams who want to measure building performance improvement over time.
Monthly report featuring KPIs
Insights into Asset Health, Comfort, and Airflow Hygiene
Energy analytics and benchmarking
Building performance benchmarking
Monthly automated, rules-based suggestion for optimization
Quick and easy optimization
Reach ASHRAE compliance
Customize reports for your team’s needs
Find, evaluate, prioritize, and remediate building faults
Deploy machine learning diagnostics
PointGuard Healthcheck
What You get
a monthly report that identifies compliance (or non-compliance) with ASHRAE targets for healthy buildings
Useful For
Facility teams with occupants wanting to re-enter their space but concerned about air hygiene and health.
KPIs for humidity, fresh air
exchange, and air turnover rates
Airside economizer analysis
Energy impact analysis
Zone and floor level analysis
Integration with existing IAQ sensors
Understand building or portfolio level airflow hygiene
Provide data-backed information to stakeholders
Measure improvement over time
Identify areas of improvement
Software that doesn’t overwhelm you
Get deep savings with retro-commissioning software
PointGuard RCx
What You get
an analytics software with advanced features and algorithms, based on SkyFoundry’s SkySpark trend data analysis.
Useful For
Facility Teams or Consulting Engineers who:
Remote monitoring
SkySpark trend data
Mobile and email notifications
Standard KPI package
Find and sustain all available savings
Scale commissioning services
Extend asset life
Find, evaluate, prioritize, and remediate building faults
Measure and monitor specific remediations
PointGuard Pro
What You get
an advanced analytics software that focuses on mechanical asset retro-commissioning, optimization, and continuous monitoring
Useful For
Skilled engineers who don’t have enough time or junior staff to keep up with necessary work and facility teams who want to retro-commission one building or an entire portfolio quickly and easily.
All the features of RCx, and
Quick profit tools
Optimization tools
Advanced algorithm and KPI package
Critical equipment analysis
Customized reporting
Customized dashboard
All the benefits of RCx, and
Find deep savings from retro-commissioning
Continuously monitor BMS for persistent savings
Data justify budget decisions
Visualizations that guide your data interpretation to diagnosis
PointGuard Pro+
What You get
an advanced analytics software that focuses on mechanical asset retro commissioning, zone level comfort tuning, and ASHRAE compliant airflow hygiene.
Useful For
Experienced engineers who want to use analytics to complement their work, and facility teams with too many tenant comfort complaints or concerns about building health and hygiene.
All the features of Pro, and
Comfort algorithms and KPI package
Comfort Tools
Airflow hygiene algorithms and KPI package
Airflow hygiene dashboard
Algorithm customization
All the benefits of Pro, and
Tune and optimize comfort delivery
Track and tune humidity levels and air filtration
Data justify budget decisions
Integrate with smart building sensors
PointGuard Enterprise
What You get
an advanced analytics software integrated with additional smart building platforms
Useful For
Sophisticated teams and portfolios seeking additional integration of smart building platforms to help achieve high performance and savings levels, and to maintain them
All the features of Pro+, and
Integrated dashboard for disparate systems and sensors
Tools to track specific ROI on implemented changes
Algorithm customization
Custom KPIs
All the benefits of Pro+, and
Customized algorithms and rules
Integration of disparate systems into one single pane of glass
Custom visualizations for APIs and connections
Turning the savings you found with PointGuard into long-term value
Get permenance with monitoring mode to lock in savings and eliminate building drift
PointGuard Assurance
What You get
a monthly report based on customized algorithms and KPIs that measures and monitors building drift after retro-commissioning
Useful For
Facility teams that already used PointGuard RCx, Pro, or Pro+ to retro-commission buildings and achieve high performance, and want to manage and monitor building drift
Monthly report featuring KPIs and insights to Asset Health, Comfort and Airflow Hygiene
Optimal start-stop analysis
Energy analytics and benchmarking
Building performance benchmarking
Automated, custom rules based suggestions for optimization
Functional testing of HVAC equipment
Customized KPIs
Ongoing monitoring of compliance with ASHRAE standards
Monthly suggestions based on your priorities
Monthly customized reports
PointGuard CapEx
What You get
A one time report providing insight into the current condition of your building's equipment and helping you prioritizing replacement needs.
Useful For
Facility teams that already used PointGuard RCx, Pro, or Pro+ to retro-commission buildings and achieve high performance, and want to manage and monitor building drift
Analysis of real time performance data of targeted equipment
Risk rank analysis
Potential replacement impact on building performance and energy spend
Data backed capital investment decisions
Make smarter equipment replacement deferment decisions
Immediate, annual, and long term replacement needs
Equipment health recommendations
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