Ever wondered what our customers think of PointGuard. Kameron McCloskey, Director of Solution Sales sat down with a current customer to understand exactly how they are using the PointGuard Platform and what benefits they’ve seen. Chris Lelle is the Portfolio Chief Engineer for Lincoln Property Company of Atlanta.
There are a variety of performance certifications a building can obtain, all seeming to do different things. The complexity of these buildings requires a wide range of standards to produce an optimized and well-rounded building.
Data is Easy, Decisions are Hard
- Mar 09, 2022
- in Blogs
Software especially building/IoT software has a reputation for being more headache than helper. They tend to veer towards creating alarms for every fault or issue that looks anomalous. Dashboards that are more complicated than commercial airplanes create data fatigue, alarm fatigue and worst of all decision fatigue – if everything is urgent, nothing is urgent. The true aim of facility management software should be to make the facility management teams’ decision making easier, faster, and more accurate.
Fortunately for overstretched facility teams, sometimes data is just data. So how do facili...
Whole 30 for Your Building
- Feb 17, 2022
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If you, like millions of people around the world, started a diet for the new year, you understand the importance of a 30 day reset. The Whole 30 diet specifically calls for one month of tracking habits, healthy eating, and measuring improvement to help benchmark your health journey and start on a new path.
Conveniently, the same exists for buildings. Benchmarking it the first step to improvement in buildings – you can’t improve what you don’t know and measure. A Whole 30 regime for your building includes 30 days of BMS data to benchmark actual building performance. It’s called The Snapshot.
PointGuard included in Green Quadrant: IoT Platforms For Smart Buildings 2022 Report.
- Jan 19, 2022
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PointGuard is honored to be included in Independent Research Firm’s Green Quadrant: IoT Platforms For Smart Buildings 2022 Report.
A Vaccine For Your Buildings: The Building Healthcheck
- Jan 03, 2022
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Airflow quality and humidity airflow exchange rate info is available in BMS but it is not often info people access. It can be critical to making buildings safer, to both benchmark current performance and can’t improve what don’t measure.
What Does Hybrid Work Mean for BMS
- Nov 29, 2021
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With more people than ever working remotely, space is not being used or used intermittently. Most operators want to be both realistic and efficient with HVAC consumption and HVAC repairs, but how do building managers effectively operate with such variable occupancy.
The Cost of Complaints
- Oct 27, 2021
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Now that most small to medium companies are back in the office and most large corporations have announced their back to office plans for 2021 and 2022, its time to talk about the importance of comfort. It’s both the number one driver of work orders and of tenant relocation decisions. Not only does to the cost of combating comfort issues and workorders hurt facility management, it also hurts owners and corporate occupiers ability to maintain high occupant experience.
The Dirty Little Secret About Your BMS
- Sep 23, 2021
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Many BMS Control Systems make more promises than they can deliver. A Class A commercial office space or corporate headquarters implies complex system architecture that delivers excellent comfort, ease of access, and elevated experience. The built environment’s ever expanding use of technology facilitates better experiences for occupants and visitors all around. Yet, go to any basement, rooftop, or central plant and the technology being used there sucks.
We see so often that sophisticated buildings are running their HVAC on unsophisticated BMS architecture. From poor set up, to proprietary vend...
Why do 21st century occupants live in 20th century buildings?
- Aug 31, 2021
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The US commercial real estate sector is rapidly developing new ways to interconnect every facet of ‘the building’. While we’re not here just yet (despite the claims of some cell service providers) 5G promises a whole new tech landscape.
More than just ultra-fast download speeds, 5G means edge computing, millimeter wave spectrum, and ultra-low latency, that will reshape how we drive, how we get entertainment, and how we move about the built environment.
Data from Verdantix’s Digitization of Facilities Management series, shows that owners and operators of smart buildings are focused on using t...
Data Gaps, Onboarding Miscommunication, and Alarm Fatigue. Where Smart Building Solutions Fail
- Aug 11, 2021
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The goal of most commercial real estate owners is streamlining interaction with the built environment. Technology makes our lives more productive and decreases daily friction, and we personally see it further infiltrating every aspect of the building ecosystem in the coming years. And yet. Smart buildings are not frictionless.
Your building is reopen. Now what are you missing?
- Jul 21, 2021
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HVACs have been reliably delivering comfort to your occupants, while also keeping up with rising summer temperatures. Yet, how are they delivering on your local benchmarking and emissions regulations?
Do You Think of Real-time Data As A Friend or Foe?
- May 18, 2021
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Building analytics can either be a pain killer or a vitamin; An answer or more homework; A Friend or Foe. But, what makes it helpful when used vs painful to use depends a lot on how the software is customized around a facility team’s requirements.
Without an accurate understanding of what kind of condition a property is really in, including its functionality from a day-to-day perspective, potential owners and investors are left shooting in the dark.
PointGuard Announces New Services with Choose-Your-Goals Levels
- Feb 08, 2021
- in Blogs, Press Releases
Today PointGuard announces the new PointGuard Path, the latest evolution of our services to provide even more opportunities for profit and savings to fit every building team’s needs and priorities.