ASI Controls has announced an agreement with Charlotte, NC based, PointGuard, to offer advanced building analytics to ASI’s line of system and VAV controllers. The partnership marks an expansion of ASI Controls’ effort to provide deeper insight into building system performance.
PointGuard Announces New Services with Choose-Your-Goals Levels
- Feb 08, 2021
- in Blogs, Press Releases
Today PointGuard announces the new PointGuard Path, the latest evolution of our services to provide even more opportunities for profit and savings to fit every building team’s needs and priorities.
October 8, 2020 – Charlotte, North Carolina. PointGuard, a facilities management software company, is pleased to announce the expansion of our service offering with additional capability in our powerful BMS-based platform to integrate with sensors.
Shannon Smith, CEO and Founder of PointGuard, recently spoke to Franco Faraudo of Propmodo on his podcast about AI and its use in commercial real estate.
Artificial Intelligence is a general term that includes other categories of self-teaching algorithms such as machine learning. Our understanding of what the term means has changed, coinciding with the changes in the way we define intelligence in general. Listen here for more of Shannon's thoughts.
Website Upgrade for PointGuard
- May 27, 2020
- in Blogs, Press Releases
Our website now stresses who we are and what we do so that you can easily see how our solutions can solve your problems, your stressors, your challenges.
PointGuard Announces FM Software Enhancements for Buildings’ Efficiency, Operation and Remote Access
- Apr 02, 2020
- in Press Releases
Updates from Q1 2020 include precision comfort zones, UI customization and more.
PointGuard Highlighted as Innovative Technology Provider in 2019 CREtech End-Year Report
- Feb 10, 2020
- in Press Releases
PointGuard is recognized for its platform that betters commercial real estate buildings through energy performance, asset longevity and occupant comfort while discovering opportunities for profit.
PointGuard’s platform promotes energy efficiency and is one of a select few that qualify for cost-share incentives for any RTEM projects.
IoT for HVAC Builds FM Heroes
- Jan 06, 2020
- in Press Releases
“Retrocommissioning always saves money, but there is so much data available via existing systems integrated into building operations that adding IoT can seem overwhelming when FM teams are already spread thin,” said Shannon Smith, CEO of PointGuard, a company that helps monitor and analyze building systems and sponsor of a recent Propmodo report, “How Technology Can Streamline the Retrocommissioning Process.”
In the News | 20 Charlotte Startups to Watch in 2020
- Dec 19, 2019
- in Press Releases
PointGuard is pleased to be on the 20 Charlotte Startups to Watch in 2020.
PointGuard Welcomes Two More People to Team
- May 20, 2019
- in Press Releases
PointGuard is proud to announce and welcome Jack Klohoker and Kameron McCloskey to our team.
Charlotte, NC – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recognized Abundant Power Group as a financial ally goal achiever in the Better Buildings Challenge.
PointGuard Now Factors Component Upgrades into HVAC CapEx Report
- Apr 30, 2019
- in Press Releases, Product Updates
New data adds additional granularity to capital expenditure decisions.
Introducing the PointGuard Platform
- Feb 25, 2019
- in Press Releases, Product Updates
Building owners and facility management companies can now license the PointGuard Platform to unlock essential insights hidden in building management systems (BMS) data for themselves.